Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Upsetting Week

This week has been pretty upside down. Our sweet puppy, Samson was killed by our neighbor (ran over him) and Beamer got herself caught in the fence and cut her leg badly. She is healing very well though, just takes time. It has been cool so no flies. We miss our Sammy so much though, so does Pluto and Sparky. Lynn & Mel have almost finished the last shelter too - yay! The fall colours are getting so beautiful, but it feels like winter is close.


Helena said...

Sorry about Sammy. I'm sure he'll be missed by everyone.

Starmyri Appaloosas Blog said...

It's amazing how quickly we get attached to these guys! It is so empty here now and I still look for him every time I go outside - he was SUCH a puppy and so darned entertaining.