Sunday, May 23, 2010

Playschool Visit

Looking at the Mares and Foals

Honey and Children

I had six classes of Playschool children come visit the farm last week over 3 days. They were just awesome little munchkins, we all had a lot of fun. This is possibly the first and last time that some of these children will ever see a farm. There were several parents who had never been to a farm before and most were quite interested. Sent eggs home with one teacher, her first taste of farm fresh eggs - they most definitely passed the taste test! My Appaloosas made me so proud, the new moms kindly showed off their babies so the children got a good look, babies agreed to play a few games of tag for our entertainment! And Honey, our Appaloosa pony so patiently and kindly allowed the many tiny hands to touch and pet her. Can't leave out the entertaining greyhound X, Pluto who even won over a couple little ones that were afraid of dogs, he soooo loves kids that guy. I have one more children's group booked, a class of Kindergarten that will come in June. Guess you could call it my community contribution and my promotion of Agriculture! Lots of fun...

1 comment:

greymare said...

That's awesome Linda. Yes Appys are such good ambassadors for the horse industry. Haven't seen to many that weren't great around kids, dogs etc. Just about all of ours so far are jsut big pets. Allowing children to experience horses at such an early age is so beneficial to all of us.